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More Thoughts on 100 Pushups App

– Posted in: cross training pushups

I recently wrote about how I was doing push-ups as a cross-training exercise using the new Hundred Pushups iPhone app.  Now that I've been using it for a few weeks, it is time to share some of my disappointments, to temper the positives vibes of my initial post. First off, no doubt it is very [...]

Cross Training – dailymile pushups app

– Posted in: cross training pushups

I recently posted about my use of the Gain Fitness iphone app to help me work out at the gym.  I've also started doing pushups, thanks to dailymile's new iphone app.  The people behind dailymile created the new official iphone app version of the 100 pushups challenge. The app is simply so easy to use. [...]

Going for 100 pushups

– Posted in: gym pushups

Inspired by LIRunner9 at http://trainingfornycmarathon2009.blogspot.com/, and some others I've seen write about it, I've decided to try the One Hundred Pushups training program.  I get to the gym sometimes, but not as often as I like, so 100 pushups seems to be a great way to strengthen the arms in a way that I can't seem [...]