Kinda hard to taper when you usually don’t run any more than 3 times per week! I guess I’m tapering in the sense that I’m running 4 milers rather than 6 or 7 milers. Took some extra time off after last week’s 21.5 mile final tuneup. Was able to get two 4-mileish runs in so far this week. Trying to run every other day from now till the marathon on Sunday. Since I’m traveling Tuesday afternoon till Thursday night, it allows me to run both Monday and Friday at home, which is nice. I’m also looking forward to a nice run in Ann Arbor on Wednesday, which is the location of my trip. In terms of good news, I’ve also have been to the gym a few times. When I can get in the habit of going, or more accurately, make time to go, it feels great to do some good cross training on days when I’m not running.
On a final note, I’m paranoid about a lot of things, especially injuries, but could you imagine the injuries you might get running around New York City barefoot? I can’t imagine what this guy goes through. Good luck to him!
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Wow, that barefoot running guy is pretty hardcore! Glad you’re taking it easy with your taper 🙂