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24 Days to the Chicago Marathon

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24 days to the Chicago Marathon! My goal was to ride my bike this morning, and run tomorrow morning, but I didn’t get the ride done.

My plan was to be out the door by 5:30, go to Central Park for 2 loops, and be back by 7am, when it would be time to get Katie (my 9 y/o) ready for school.

Couple of things happened. First, last night, I noticed some discomfort in my hip, a recurrence of nagging pain I had last year. Not serious, but one of those little signs the body gives to slow down.

Second, at 5am, simply could not get up. Well, I could get up, but my personal trainer constantly preaches time to rest and recover and to get enough sleep – essentially the importance of recovery. Since I am seeing him today at lunchtime, I decided an extra hour of sleep was called for, and skipping the ride would keep me fresh for the lunchtime workout.

I preferred to sleep until 7, but it turned out my wife was sleeping in too, and one of us needs to be awake to make sure my 14 y/o gets up (by 6) and out of the house (by 7) on time. So I got up at 6, got freaked out by some things at work, and worked from 6 to 7.

It is a sad state when getting up at 6 is sleeping in, but it is what it is. My hip feels better today, and I’m feeling well rested. Depending on how intense my personal trainer session is today, I may or may not ride tonight, and definitely plan for a 4-5 mile run in the morning. Then off day Sat and 20 miles (last long run) on Sunday!

Previous entries:

25 26 27 28

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