This is the second straight year that my running has been severely curbed by foot injury. After a string of 4 years in a row where I ran at least 700 miles each year, topping out at 1071 miles in 2010, once my body turned 40 in 2011, it refused to let injuries go away quietly 🙂 and each year since has been problematic. Last year I only ran a total of 217.8 miles, and as of Nov 6, this year I only have 157.2 miles. Interestingly, not my worst running years ever, as in 2003 I only ran 123.1 miles due to injury.
I feel like I am on the mend though, and with the help of an acupuncturist, my foot is feeling as close to 100% as its been in ages. I’ve started running again, 4 miles per run, and every third day. Hopefully I can keep that up, and then step things up in the new year.
My modest goal for this year is to beat the pathetic total I had last year of 217.8 miles. I simply need 60.7 miles over the next 8 weeks, or 7.5875 miles per week. Since my typical run has been 4 miles, I’ll just need to get in 2 runs per week the rest of the year to be all set.
I’m targeting a marathon in six months, so, foot-willing, it is time to seriously get back on the horse, and to me, modest goal setting is the best way to start.