I’ve been pretty quiet on my blog since the marathon in Austin last month. Just haven’t been able to get myself properly motivated. I think this is partly because I’m starting to step up swimming and biking, and I’m just not so strong in those disciplines yet!
I’ve also had this nagging groin pull for several months. Not anything bad (I did run a 4:22 marathon on it, after all!). I think I aggrevated it around the time of the New York City Marathon last year. Figured it would just go away on its own. Well, no luck so far, and it has recently started bothering me a bit when I run, so I’m starting a regiment of icing to see if that helps. Since I’m between big events right now, it seems like the right time to slow down a little, take stock of injuries and recover properly.
Last week I lifted weights and swam on Saturday, biked on Sunday, and ran on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday, my run was in Miami, as I had travelled there on business last week. It was nice to run in the 80 degree weather on Tuesday afternoon, after running in 40 degrees Monday night! My run took me from Miami Beach to downtown Miami – very beautiful after the long New York winter.
Since then, though, I have been mostly inactive. Felt the beginnings of a cold on Saturday, so skipped my planned gym/swim workout. I did manage to go for a 14 mile bike ride yesterday morning, but am still feeling the effects of the cold today, so will take it easy today.
For the next couple of days, I’ll stay home, rest as much as possible, and ice up the groin to see if I can get that all healed. In the meantime, I’m praying for the warmer weather to come, and planning out my spring schedule of races. I prefer running in the colder weather, and definitely run more in the winter than in the summer, but this cold weather is really getting to me now – really looking forward to some 60 degree days in the coming months!